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Dr Ebony HS 1 1

Ask the Expert: Building Your Rest Routine


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Dr. Ebony Butler


Q: How do I go about actually getting rest? - JH

A: Rest means more than sleeping in and vegging out. It means taking a break from the things that are creating stress, difficulties and emotional dysregulation. Rest could look like saying yes to friends when you’ve been self-isolating, scheduling a doctor’s appointment or not waiting until you lose weight to wear your new outfit. Rest is whatever provides relief for the difficulties you are experiencing.

I also should mention that I’ve created a video for Alkeme on this very topic - you can watch it here!

The first step is to identify where more rest is needed in your life - what feels difficult or exhausting? Next, think about what you need to reduce the struggle in these areas. Ask yourself, “Do I need a break from work?”, “Do I need help with my kids?”, “Do I need to organize and re-prioritize?”. Asking yourself these questions will help guide you on creating the rest routine YOU need.

Because keep in mind, the rest you need won’t look the same as someone else’s. If rest for you looks like asking for help, identify how to go about doing that. If rest looks like actually sleeping, identify what steps to take in your life to help you get to sleep (turn off phone, develop a sleep routine, appropriate medication, etc). The biggest barrier to actually getting rest is thinking that it has to be one way or the other.

In wellness,

Dr. Ebony Butler

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