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Becoming Couples Goals


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Kiaundra Jackson, LMFT

Setting and managing goals in your relationship can be a great way to foster connection and create a shared vision of the future. Here are some tips to help get you started.

1. Get clear on what matters most to both of you: Take some time to sit down together and discuss what's important to you both. This could range from going on vacation to learning a new language, to simply spending more quality time together.

2. Outline your goals in detail: Once you've identified what's important to you both, break down the goals into manageable chunks. Consider the timeline, resources, and any other factors that may influence your success.

3. Set deadlines: Make sure to set realistic timelines for completing your goals. This will help to keep you both accountable and motivated.

4. Have regular check-ins: Discuss your progress and make adjustments as needed. It's also a good idea to celebrate your successes!

5. Remain flexible: While it's important to stay on track with your goals, be prepared to adjust if necessary. Life can throw unexpected curveballs, so remain open to different paths and solutions.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get started on maintaining a strengthened bond! If you would like to go deeper, check out the following:

Space: Setting SMART Goals in 2023 with Michaiah Dominguez, MHC

Wave: Navigating Boundaries by Curtis Smith

Lab: Unpacking Unhelpful Thinking Styles with Jason Phillips, LCSW

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