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Happy Women's History Month


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Dr. Ebony Butler

March is Women's History Month, a celebration of the significant contributions by women in American History. However, we can't celebrate the contributions of women without acknowledging that a large part of American History rests on the shoulders of Black women. Black women are trailblazers and advocates for freedom, liberation, and change. We continue in this fight even when it's to our detriment. That's why it's time for Black women to receive their rightful care and permission to rest.

Black women, we encourage you to take care of your mental health and well-being. Here are two major ways you can accomplish that this month:

1. Set boundaries around your time and your energy. Make space for those things that replenish and uplift you.

Check Out: Setting Our Self-Capacity Boundaries by Dr. Heather Lofton, LMFT

2. Get rest! You've done so much and it's time that you give yourself permission to rest.

Check Out: From Talking About Resting to Actually Resting by Dr. Ebony Butler

BONUS: In keeping with the theme of rest and peace, I also invite you to check out Protecting Your Peace by Curtis Smith.

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